28 Februar 2025

Senegal, January 2025: La Somone and Bandia

The small lagoon at the mouth of the Somone River offers good photo opportunities on large numbers of gulls and terns, as well as many species of waders and a handfull of Ospreys. 

Bandia is a good alternative for all visitors, who do not want to drive 600km to Niokolo to see the antelopes in the wild. Some species from there and many others from farther south in Africa can be seen easily in this reserve.

Joung Marabou Stork
Grey Heron

Pied Crow attacks Osprey

Cape Eland Antelope

Abyssinian Roller

Black-headed Lapwing

Hussar Monkey

Burchell's Zebras


White Rhino

Black-headed Heron

Buffalo Weaver buiding social housing for several families

Giant Eland Antelope

Savannah Buffalo

Mangrove Heron

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