01 März 2025

A visit to the village of Bantancoling, to meet Moro Sandiaku again, after 12 years.

In 2013 an English-speaking guide at Nikolo-Koba N.P., the meanwhile deceased Ousmane Bate, took me 20 km off the asphalt raod to the Mandinge village of Bantancoling. There I met Moro Sandiako harvesting his cotton in a field. He is about my age, a polygamous muslim farmer, a respected man. I took a few pictures of the village, Moro's compound and the persons of his family. When I returned in 2016 and 2019 I sadly did not meet him, just family-members. Now, on this late afternoon in January 2025, 13 years later, I was carrying with me the photos from 2013, 2016 and 2019 and was happy to find Moro sitting in front of his hut in a hammock, peacefully reading his Koran. He recognized me very quickly and smiled, when he saw the pictures. We shook hands. He did not stand up, but remained sitting, as a small crowd of people were gathering around us, handing around the photos and commenting them loudly. The little girls from 2013 were now young mothers!                                                                                                                                         If I had decided to retire and peacefully read the Koran, - or the Bible, or anything else, in front of my house, no thinkable event could have collected so many laughing young relatives and neighbours around me. I felt no envy, because I was happy to travel and do what I am doing, but I had a clear sense, that he was enjoying a social atmosphere that had some advantages over mine.

Moro Sandiako in 2013
Moro Sandiaku in 2025  
Moro and one of his wives in 2013

freshly harvested cotton in 2013

stored cotton in 2025
the well and the village


returning to the village in the evening. One must carry the firewood. 2025



the road to the village Banatancoling






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