01 März 2025

Senegal, February 2025. Birds on Mar Lodj

On the island Mar Lodj there is no electricity, there are no roads, no cars. Traffic between the three small villages and the mainland is by boat and by horse-drawn carts. The Campement Bazouk de Saloum is run by Marie and Philippe, a French couple, who manage to create European comfort and standard seemingly effortless: there is solar electricity, there is water in the desert, there is French cuisine and a friendly, competent staff. It is such a pleasure to spend almost two weeks without having to get into a car!


Goliath Heron


mass hunt, cormorants and herons, pelicans and spoonbills

Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse

Abyssinisn Roller

Senegal Thick-knee

Northern red-billed Hornbill

male Namaqua Dove

Yelloe-fronted Tinkerbird, a barbet

Blue-cheaked Bee-eater

Western Plantein Eater, a grey turaco

Vieillot's Barbet

Northern Crombec

Littel Bee-eater

the birdwatching ladies

3 Bearded Barbets

Pied Crow





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