After hearing the technical side it was interesting to learn about the
socio-economic reality :

are shocking:
61% are without water toilet or latrine (this explains why it stinks when the wind blows into the conference room where these facts are presented by beamer!)
40% have no running water
20% go to the "chafariz", waterhouse
40% are without electricity
70% cook with firewood on three stones (this shows: poverty destroys the evironment)
20% cook with gas
31% have access to garbage containers (Most do not even know the concept of "GARBAGE")!!
50% have radio
50% have TV
50% have mobile phone
2% have PC
26% have fridge
50% have gas stove
34% own land and animals
10% own land to build
60% own goats and sheep
85% hve access to education
50% have access to secundary education
74% can read and write
93% of children can read and write
41% have had no school education
50% live from agriculture
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