We enjoyed almost 2 weeks on an island without asphalted streets and cars. The excellent camp we used, had solar panels and gave us all the comfort we needed. We used horse-drawn carriages to reach our favourite locations and quite a lot of birds could be found in and around the campement on little stolls by foot. We used the pirogue of our friend Diop almost daily to shoot waterbirds from the boat.
It was unusually hot. Normally we had afternoon temperatures below 30 C°, this time they approached 40 C°. We were lucky to be at the water's edge and so we could find refreshment in the river (which is part of the sea, subjected to the tides!) It is safe to swim in!
Marie and Phillipe, our hosts.
Naturephotography in the camp.
Mamadou's charette had the luxury of a purple sunshade
shooting finches at eye-level
Our favourite (and only) waterplace:
Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse
Sudan Golden Sparrow and Cut-throat Finch
Sunbird's nest
Glossy Starling
Yellow-billed Oxpecker
Sandgrouses |
traffic jam, viel Verkehr
Western Plantain Eater
Spotted Pidgeon, Guineataube
Long-tailed Glossy Starling, Langschwanz-Glanzstar.
Hooded Vulture, Kappengeier
Sparrows and Finches

Red-cheeked Cordon Bleu |
Hornbills, Glossy Starling, Roller
Chestnut-bellied Glossy Starling

Vögel, die wir pirschend im Gelände fotografiert haben:
Wattled Lapwing, Lappenkiebitz
Bearded Barbet, Furchenschnabel-Bartvögel

Beautiful Sunbird, male

Yellow-crowned Gonolek, Goldscheitelwürger

Little Bee-Eaters

Einer der schönsten Vögel Senegals, die Senegal-Racke, Abyssinian Roller:
Die Sony 9 ist für Flugaufnahmen bestens geeignet. Allerdings hat sie keine Vor-Auslöse-Funktion. Die Abflugfotos sind also Glückssache.
Pied Kingfisher, Grauliest
Blue-cheeked Bee-Eater
Grey-backed Cameroptera, Meckerbogenflügel
Green Wood-Hoopoe, Baumhopf

Vieillot's Barbet, Blutbrustbartvogel
Northern Crombec, Braunbauch-Sylvietta
Red-billed Firefinch, Rotschnabel-Feuerfink
Black-headed Lapwing, Schwarzkopf-Kiebitz
Pied Crow, Corvus albus, Schildrabe
Senegal Thick-knee, Senegal-Triel
Birds from the boat:
a roosting place, Schlafplatz im Morgengrauen
Pink-backed Pelican
Flußseeschwalbe |
Kormoran |
Rosaflamingo |
Rosapelikan |
Goliath Heron
Pied Kingfisher and Blue-cheeked Bee-Eater
Cormoran and Western Reef Herons
Black Stork
Holy Ibis
Western Reef Heron
Grey-headed Gull
African Painted Stork
Goliath Heron
Osprey, Fischadler
Great White Egret and African Spoonbill
Jörn hat mir eine Auswahl geschickt, die ich ein wenig reduzieren musste. Hier seine Naturfotos, - die Nicht-Naturfotos folgen im nächsten Blog!
Michael hat die folgende Auswahl geschickt: