18 Februar 2022

Bird Photography in Senegal: January 2022

With two photographers in La Somone, Bandia Reserve and in Sine Saloum National Park.

Hotel Africa Queen. Der europäische Luxus dämpft den Afrikaschock bei Neuankömmlingen.

Campement Mar Setal aus der Luft

Abends brummt das Dieselaggregat und die Triele flöten.

The diesel generator is on during the night and the Thickknees give their twilight concert

Charette, with Adja and Lea who went out with me, birding.

The Bungalow in Mar Setal:

Auf der langen Bootsfahrt zur Falkeninsel, ein köstliches Essen.

Sheikh Ndoye takes us into SOMONE lagoon

Kurt and Adja Wiesbauer öffenen das Paket, das ihr Sohn Karim uns mitgegeben hat.

Fotografen im Ansitz beim Wasserloch

Fresh shrimps on the way back from the falcon island

Altöl und Sägespäne dichten ein Holzboot ab. Sawdust and old engine oil is used to make boats watertight.

boats in JOAL

Caspian Tern feeding

Senegal Thickknee

Mar Setal

Goldscheitelwürger, Yellow-Crowned Gonolek

Sichelschnabel-Baumhopf, Green Wood-Hoopoe

Warzenschweinweibchen, Bandia

Senegalracke, Abyssinian Roller

Longtailed Cormorant

Fischadler, Osprey

Mar Setal has a few villages and several thousand inhabitants. Mostly fishermen, farmers and pastoralists.

2 Arten von Pelikanen. 2 species of pelicans

Löffler und Reiher, spoonbills and herons

Western Reef and Goliath Herons

Blutbrust-Bartvogel, Vieillot's Barbet

Bearded Barbet, Furchenschnabel-Bartvogel

Blauwangenspint, Blue-cheeked Bee-Eater

Goliath Heron

African Grey Woodpecker, Grauspecht

Rotschnabel-Toko, Red-billed Hornbill

Rotnackenfalke, Red-necked Falcon, Falco chiquera

Black-headed Lapwing, Schwarzkappen-Kiebitz

Sudan Golden Sparrow and others at the water place

Braunbauch-Flughuhn, Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse

White-backed, Hooded and Rüppell Vultures

Woodchat Shrite, Rotkopfwürger

ein Pärchen Goldscheitelwürger, Yellow-crowned Gonolek

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