We had already made trainings at the lagoons and at the reservoir, so there was one important birding area left to show to the participants of the Nature Guide Course: the desert in the south-East of Santiago Island.
First we met in Ecotec-House for 4 intensive hours of bird identification and language training.
In the afternoon an open Hilux took the group out to Moia Moia. There we scanned the intertidal mud flat for birds: Whimbrel, Ostercatcher, Grey Heron, Kentish Plover, ...
Then we went on into the desert to see the spiecial species there:
Cream-coloured Courser, Wüstenrennvogel |
Black-crowned Sparrow Lark |
Hoopoe Lark, Alaemon alaudipes, Wüstenläuferlerche |
Hoopoe Lark, Alaemon alaudipes, Wüstenläuferlerche |
Flight pattern reminds one of Hoopoe |
These are some of Naya's pictures:
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