Eva squeezes herself elegantly through the hole in the rocks:
Parts of the village have already been painted by artists. The Spanish Cooperation supports Misa's project. Sra. Marina serves us lunch. We consult the map about how to get down into Ribeira Secca. It turned out to be a thorny scramble! The winding country road in Ribeira Secca: still with the old fashioned parallelos:
Girl with turkey. She is bringing the animal home after it had escaped .
Lunch with Fredy Cardoso's family. They also brought their grandmother, a delightful old lady!
Shopping in Sucupira market in Praia:
Eav waiting for the bed covers: Our kindergarden at the lagoon: Excursion with Marina and Bernard Lorac to see Misa's project in Porto Madeira:
Granite sculpture (Female figure): Celeste making us wonderful fruit salad. We managed to get the first mangoes of the season!! From now on until late summer there will be tons of them on the markets, many different flavours! Papaya: Pinhao, Papaya and Mango:
Prof. Adilson hat heute eine kleine Gruppe von Schülern zum Bodenprobensammeln abkommandiert:
Probe 1: rötliches Sediment am Strand: Probe 2: Kies und Sand aus dem Flußbett: Probe 3: Boden aus einem Gartenbeet der Oase: Probe 4 habe ich in der Serra Malagueta auf ca 700m Höhe gesammelt. Im Wasserkanal können sich alle die staubigen Füsse abwaschen: