03 März 2024

Sine Saloum, January 2024. Not only birds: villages, markets, festivals, sports

Normally the tourists' world is strictly seperated from the local reality. On Mar Lodj the number of tourists is small, access is restricted because it is an island and the local population has had time to adapt. So it is possible to get a few glimpses of normal life without feeling too intrusive. 

Die Touristeghettos sind normalerweise von der lokalen Wirklichkeit strikt abgeschottet. Auf der Insel Mar Lodj ist alles klein, der Tourismus und die 2-3 Dörfer, mit ca. 1500 Menschen. Der Zugang auf die Insel ist natürlicherweise begrenzt und die Einheimischen hatten Jahrzehnte Zeit, sich an Touristen zu gewöhnen. Es ist daher möglich, ein paar Einblicke in das Alltagsleben zu gewinnen ohne sich allusehr als Eindringling zu fühlen.

Savanna-like landscape on Mar Lodj

Landuse by pastoralists and farmers (in the rainy seaason)

Omar assisted Mamadou the charettier, driver of the horse-drawn cart

Fishing is mostly done by people of one tribe who live in seperate villages

The small market in the main village

 a huge Kapok tree

Mamadou takes schoolgirls home on his horse-cart

whenever we passed, the workers here were busy producing bricks (always in great heat, up to 40 C°)

Cattle are protected in a circular fence every evening

Wrestling exercise on the school's sportsground

The scene of a wrestling event in the village Simal before the event starts

Aisatu served us food in the camp. Days before the fighting night she was constantly singing the songs that accompany the event. Then she took us there. Here in front of the ticket office.

the ticket office from inside

the lady singers

whole families set out in fine costumes for this event

at arrival each fighter performs a complex ritual of cleansing, showing-off and intimidation

this fighter steps through a magic rope-ring three times

the trainers and masseurs are well equipped with lotions

posing for press photographers

a famous singer arrives with about 30 young girls in uniform behind her: her pupils

two servants always hold this sheet over the fighter's head as long as he is outside the ring

5 referees oversee the fighters. Several fighting pairs are in the circle at the same time. There are three weight classes. When we left at around 23hrs, the event was around half-way through.

Jörn's Naturfotos sind im letzten Blog zu sehen. Hier seine "Menschen-Fotos":

Ahmabou Bah ist Guide in Bandia und spricht sehr gut Deutsch

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